My website

So, I finally made my website. Yeah, it’s not pushing boundaries of frontend development in 2019, but it gets the job done.

The process was rather… easy. I give the credit to some of the tools I used. They were rather intuitive to someone new to this and handled a lot of the boring parts of software, such as figuring out how to host your code on the web. Definitely saved me a few hours!

GitHub Pages

Ah. GitHub. Who knew they have a free website hosting service for every user? I didn’t until recently. It’s located here. There is a guide to follow that is super easy. Then you get a domain of the format Pretty slick. Handles all the hosting for you. You can set up the actual content of the website yourself, or you can pass that along as well to something GitHub supports called Jekyll. 10/10.


You can read all about Jekyll here. To sum it up, it is a tool to generate websites. It has a bunch of official themes to choose from, ranging from classic to wacky. It also allows user-created themes, which is actually what this website is based on.

It has a guide as well. All you have to do is make the GitHub Pages repository from before contain your Jekyll project, and everything will be taken care of for you!

Besides a little bit of confusion around remote_repo, which is an alternative to just making a fork of the theme you want, I had little trouble with this. I’m pretty sure non-technical people could do it, it is that easy and requires little knowledge of the technology under the hood.

The only known issue that I currently notice is that the social buttons in the header of this site do not appear on Chrome on my Windows 10 machine. I included the links in the About page as well, so people will still be able to find them. I’m not gonna lose sleep over this.

Next post: personal project time! I have a ton of ideas and very little motivation, but I’ll try to get something going. Updates to come.

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